Saturday, 30 January 2010

Jupiter in Pisces

Well, Jupiter moves into Pisces soon and cheers up all those Pisceans by bringing a 12 month period of growth. It is a very fortuitous thing to have Jupiter in your sun sign for a year - but depending on where it falls in your chart it can be problematic too.

For instance if it is in your first house - Jupiter can expand your waistline quite a bit
Second house - is cool - you earn more dosh - and so on through the houses ...

Anyway - Pisces for me rules the 5th house - but technically it is still in my 4th house - so home and roots for a while and then all things creative and fun -

Jupiter in pisces should benefit - Pisceans , Virgos ,Sagittarius and Gemini - in general
so here's to the next 12 months.

At the moment Saturn and Pluto are doing a dance following the lovely full moon in Leo yesterday.

So there will be a bit of shove and push going on - and with the full moon - some may be a bit emotional - in the words of Vinnie Jones
Anyway - it's a short aspect this one - so no worries ... then the rest of feb has some lovely aspects - so enjoy , whilst the planets are harmonious ...

Wishing you moon, stars and magic ....

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