Thursday, 17 September 2009

Heads up for October

So now with Merc retro and Jupiter still retro and Saturn Vs Uranus as the fight of the decade , not to mention some choppy waters with Pluto making nasty angles - Sept has been a bit bumpy , or horribly quiet , depending on what your natal chart dictates.

Never mind - out of the woods soon , as October dawns , Jupiter prepares to go forward , merc resumes direct motion and Saturn and Uranus , return to their respective corners until next April - hoorah .....
You don't need a calendar to tell you there was a postal strike in the middle of merc retro , or indeed that when news of the economic crash filtered through to the world at large , the planets were in pretty much the same positions as they are now - but the upside was it coincided with Obama becoming president , so the change came amidst the chaos to provide some hope - Let's wait and see what happens this time round , with these transits .... 

And roll on October

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jupiterchildren, a really informative blog!
    Now I understand the delays I've been
    experiencing at work, and the mind of wanting to run fast forward, but with the heavy feeling of being held back!!
