Saturday, 10 October 2009

Here we go - Jupiter direct !!

Well , we are finally out of the horrible aspects that blighted September - phew !
Hope it wasn't too bad for most of you.

Now Merc is direct and the lovely Jupiter turns direct by the 15th - thank goodness - most Saggies and Pisceans will feel this directly , as if a big weight starts to lift - life becomes lighter , happier and easier - hopefully - But everyone will have an easier time in general , as the planet of luck , expansion and  jollity moves forward once more.

The conjunction with Neptune and Chiron , will be exact again in December and should bring a lot of opportunities to the table .

But the rest of October and November look set to be much more productive so it's all good ...

Big Bad Saturn is changing soon too - bet you Virgos out there are happy to see the back of him aren't you ? Good though , as when Saturn finishes his tour of duty , in your sign , as he always leaves a present for you on the way out .... Libra's will then start their 2 year stint , but Saturn is like a personal trainer - he forces you to go to the gym, do the work , shouts at you until you do , but when he leaves , you appreciate the lovely toned body , he made you train for ( an analogy , but you get the picture ) some of you will have learned the lessons and will be much better off as a result , more organised , more disciplined , more together in general , even if at the time , if felt like boot camp 

Oh and by the way - bombing the moon - seriously now - leave the universe alone - it doesn't need man to drop missiles into one of it's planets , just to see if we can create a big dust storm - lol

Ok onwards to November  and may the stars light your way ....

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Heads up for October

So now with Merc retro and Jupiter still retro and Saturn Vs Uranus as the fight of the decade , not to mention some choppy waters with Pluto making nasty angles - Sept has been a bit bumpy , or horribly quiet , depending on what your natal chart dictates.

Never mind - out of the woods soon , as October dawns , Jupiter prepares to go forward , merc resumes direct motion and Saturn and Uranus , return to their respective corners until next April - hoorah .....
You don't need a calendar to tell you there was a postal strike in the middle of merc retro , or indeed that when news of the economic crash filtered through to the world at large , the planets were in pretty much the same positions as they are now - but the upside was it coincided with Obama becoming president , so the change came amidst the chaos to provide some hope - Let's wait and see what happens this time round , with these transits .... 

And roll on October

Monday, 7 September 2009

Pluto direct soon .....

Well , with so many retrograde planets and our lovely ruler Jupiter still taking it's time to go forward , at least Pluto is getting ready to move direct again - on the 11th to be exact .

Hopefully this will help things to move forward a bit , depending on where it is in your chart ,but then Mercury has gone retro today - so whilst things might speed up - hearing the news about them , might take a while and go awry , due to merc and it's snafoos on the communication front.

Saturn vs Uranus , is shaping up to be Ali vs Foreman in the heavens too , so it's  'interesting' right now to say the least .

Anyway , let's hope that September feels a bit less like uphill through treacle than August did

Good Astrology sites  to check out for anyone interested are - Susan Miller - brilliant - Jonathan Cainer - my favourite - the first and one of the best 

good luck for September and remember - breathe , relax and stay chilled

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Jupiter Retrograde

Honestly , when our lovely ruling planet is retro , it really drains me and as this happens for 4 months approx every year , it's a bit of a pain , however , not long till October and it goes forward again , so all good .

Next month - the dreaded Merc Retrograde - although the last one did kick my ass , it was sitting on my ascendant , normally , they are not to bad for me , I have Merc retro in my natal chart .

Anyway , any astro buffs out there , drop in and say hi !

Hugs and chocolate 
